The roots of Local Content Issues – International Companies (ICs)
In the first of this series on Local Content Policy (LCP), I described how it seems obvious to demand that international companies (ICs) employ local people, use local companies, transfer knowledge and provide cash to pay for education and training of the Government’s choice.
22 January 2025Read More -
The roots of local content issues – skills and local businesses
Of all the moving parts that male up a Local Content vehicle, skills and local businesses are the most important because they are the foundations of every nation’s economy, growth and governance.
17 January 2025Read More -
The roots of local content issues – government
Without understanding the roots of local content issues we cannot find a path that leads us to nation building. Local content is one of the builders of that path.
6 January 2025Read More -
Local content – why it doesn’t work
Local Content Policies (LCPs) – making international companies contribute to the development of the country whose resources they are extracting – what is not to like? Employing local people, using local suppliers, buying local food, materials, equipment, vehicles – why would any self respecting international company not do that?
31 December 2024Read More -
The future of energy: planning beyond 2025
In 2024, the global political landscape has undergone significant transformation, with over 60 countries—representing nearly half of the global population—holding national elections.
23 December 2024Read More -
Methane Emissions from Oil & Gas, Waste, Agriculture (& Wetlands)
This is an overview of global methane emissions, from which there are 4 takeaways:
1. Viewed ‘post-Covid’, global methane emissions are rising not falling.17 December 2024Read More -
COP16 to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) priorities is increasingly shaping the way we approach global challenges. For businesses, investors, and policymakers alike, ESG frameworks provide a lens through which to evaluate environmental stewardship, social equity, and responsible governance.
13 December 2024Read More -
COP29: a new chapter for climate finance
The 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), held in Baku, Azerbaijan, concluded with a pivotal breakthrough: a renewed commitment to strengthening climate finance for developing nations.
27 November 2024Read More -
Spotlight on ESG: tackling plastics in everyday choices
Plastics have become a significant issue, not just for consumers but for companies, spanning production, recycling, and environmental impacts. While we can’t eliminate plastics entirely, it’s critical to limit their use to essential applications and eliminate unnecessary items,
22 November 2024Read More -
Known unknowns – the UK’s flaring and emissions performance
The UK’s North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) has recently published its review of 2023 flaring and emissions performance(1) together with a helpful ‘dashboard’(2) which offers details, with some very useful cross-plots.
4 October 2024Read More -
Known unknowns – fugitive emissions from anaerobic digesters
Anaerobic Digesters(ADs) are seen as a relatively new, ‘green’, renewable energy source (of methane) which we review in our latest report. Key takeaways are:
28 September 2024Read More -
3rd edition of Environment Social and Governance (ESG) training for the League of East African Directors in Kampala
Future Energy Partners (FEP) recently hosted a comprehensive ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) training program for LEAD (League of East African Directors) from 27 – 29 August 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel Kampala.
18 September 2024Read More -
The apprenticeship system and how it builds capacity in a developing economy
The apprenticeship system creates a workforce to support the growth of the economy of a nation. Its goal is to build the capacity of the engines of economic growth – education and industrialisation.
16 September 2024Read More -
Known unknowns – leakage and odours from landfills
Landfills are an eyesore, attractive only to seagulls, and – as we document in our new report – unpleasant (at least) for our environment.
6 September 2024Read More -
‘Known unknowns’ – fugitive emissions from the EU and UK gas grids
Our new report leaves little doubt that there are significant volumes of methane emissions from the U.K. and EU gas grids that as yet go largely unmonitored, unmeasured and unreported, both by asset and by operator.
2 September 2024Read More -
Exploring Uganda’s oil & gas projects in Albertine region
The Tilenga project, located in Uganda’s Buliisa and Nwoya districts near Lake Albert, is operated by TotalEnergies in partnership with CNOOC and UNOC. The name “Tilenga” combines the local names for the Uganda Kob: “Til” in Acholi and “Engabi” in Lugungu. This project involves developing six oil fields.
22 August 2024Read More -
From ‘Settled Science’ to Seismic Shifts: The Evolution of Exploration
This is a message that relies quite a bit on my personal experiences, I apologise for that!
My argument is that we have arrived at a somewhat ‘settled science’ for subsurface technology, in particular for Exploration5 August 2024Read More -
Much more Gas, much less Coal!
To celebrate US Independence Day, Thunder Said Energy (TSE) aka Rob West produced a very insightful analysis of global emissions performance as compared with the US’s US: CO2 emissions
23 July 2024Read More -
Decarbonising the Gas Grid – Regulation vs Investment?
This graphic is a detailed summary of a recently concluded EMPIR project “Decarbonising the Gas Grid”, co-funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States. This is a verbatim description of the intent:
18 July 2024Read More -
Living with CBAM!
The European Union has reached a provisional agreement on its slowly emergent emissions legislation, which aims to reduce carbon emissions from its domestic industries. To protect these industries from higher carbon regimes elsewhere….
8 July 2024Read More -
Much ado about landfills
Landfills are a major source of methane because organic waste such as food, garden waste etc goes into landfills; when a landfill is ‘capped’ with a membrane and/or a thin layer of clay, this organic waste enters an anaerobic state and generates methane.
21 June 2024Read More -
Unlocking energy potential: oil and gas in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is a region rich in natural resources, particularly oil and gas. However, it is also a region that faces significant energy poverty.
10 June 2024Read More -
Flaring and venting from UK onshore oil sites 2016-2023
The recent history of flaring and methane emissions onshore U.K. is a microcosm of the global pattern – either flatlining or going up!
23 May 2024Read More -
Exclusive environment social governance (ESG) training for League of East African Directors
In April 2024, a group of esteemed directors gathered at the Sheraton Hotel Kampala for an insightful Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) training session.
16 May 2024Read More -
Comparing USA & China CO2 emissions
Robert Bryce has published an interesting review on actual trends in world energy consumption and I make no apologies for using one of his informative charts to start my short article.
14 May 2024Read More -
Plenty of CO2 emissions in the UK
We are hearing quite a lot nowadays about the significant amounts of CO2 that it’s planned will be tackled by Carbon Capture & Storage – around 10 million tonnes per year per project seems like a common number.
6 May 2024Read More -
Wasting methane from waste
It’s well known that Waste Management – which includes landfills, anaerobic digesters and water treatment – is a large source of methane emissions.
Thanks to Climate Trace, we now have compilations of what’s been Reported by year in this sector.30 April 2024Read More -
Why I’m not buying an electric car: debunking the green myth
For the past three years, my trusty VW Passat has been my faithful companion on the roads. It’s comfortable, a joy to drive, and has served me well. But lately, I’ve been contemplating a change. As I consider my next car, the allure of electric vehicles (EVs) beckons.
25 April 2024Read More -
Flaring is not a ‘victimless act’!
CATF reports that oil and gas imports to the European Union expose nearly 10 million people to the avoidable practice of flaring, which is known to release high levels of harmful chemicals. Through a strong methane import standard, the EU can dent global flaring emissions and decrease the health risk of nearby populations.
19 April 2024Read More -
What’s in a Board?
Experienced boards can bring valuable levels of industry expertise to a company but they can also carry the baggage of outdated ideas. Selecting and training a balanced, future-thinking board is key to a company’s triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.
5 April 2024Read More -
Bringing out the best in your Board
The rise of ESG in the last decade only solidifies the importance to companies of assembling strong boards, putting in place responsibilities and benchmarks, and reporting on their practices.
28 March 2024Read More -
Unveiling Britain’s climate paradox: the hidden carbon emissions undermining the net zero goal
Britain’s journey towards net zero is a narrative rich with milestones and declarations of environmental leadership.
15 March 2024Read More -
The future of Caribbean energy
The energy landscape in the Caribbean has been a tale of pioneering discovery, peak production, and subsequent decline, interwoven with the potential for revival through strategic regional cooperation.
13 March 2024Read More -
A view from Clean Tech Stars 2024
JP Morgan hosted their annual London Clean Tech Stars conference on 6-7 March 2024. This brought together the most innovative first movers in the decarbonisation space.
11 March 2024Read More -
Developments with US carbon capture and storage
On Thursday 22 February 2024 Karl Jeffery, Publisher of Carbon Capture Journal, facilitated an online webinar exploring the developments in US carbon capture and storage.
8 March 2024Read More -
Critical uncertainty and risk in CCS projects
Investing in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology presents a significant opportunity for reducing carbon emissions, particularly if investors are confident in the technology’s scalability and the timely, budget-compliant construction of facilities.
29 February 2024Read More -
Future Energy Partners led Universal to attain ISO 45001 certification status
Future Energy Partners provides Training and ISO standards implementation services to companies irrespective of the sector and size as well as second-party audits in preparation for ISO Certification.
17 April 2023Read More -
Carbon capture is still ‘not commercial’ – but what can be done about it?
Many people are relying on emission trading schemes to make carbon capture and storage commercial, but it may never be enough to justify CCS investment by itself.
15 August 2022Read More -
How should a new oil and gas country develop reserves for the benefit of its people – and its economy?
The top priority for any country developing new hydrocarbon reserves will probably be to get revenue and jobs as fast as possible.
8 August 2022Read More -
What is organisational capability for emissions and what can you do with it?
Let’s imagine that the future is like this. Quality data about emissions is shared within our organisations as much as we share financial data. The reliability of the emissions data is as good as financial data.
29 July 2022Read More -
Improving your capability for carbon footprint gathering and presenting data for audit
If you want to improve your internal capability for gathering and reporting carbon footprint data, it may be helpful to see how your competitors look like from outside.
22 July 2022Read More -
Flaring & emissions, reporting & plans, for 12 E&Ps
To gather useful data, we have drilled into the Flaring & Emissions Reporting and Plans for: 10 Majors (to be reported on shortly) and 12 E&Ps, namely Aker BP, Diversified Energy, Energean, Enquest, Harbour Energy,
14 July 2022Read More -
E&P carbon footprinting and auditing – how to do it yourself
Future Energy Partners can run workshops for your company to help you determine which emissions are material in your footprint, how to put together your model to measure / assess / reduce them, how to provide evidence to banks and others,
14 July 2022Read More -
Oil and gas suppliers – when asked for carbon data by your customers, how do you work out a plan to provide it?
Oil and gas buyers are increasingly being asked for carbon data from their lenders / investors and for their own environmental reporting,
28 June 2022Read More -
Do you have a plan for your regulatory or decarbonisation capacity building?
There are two particular areas where capacity building is very critical – governments of developing countries which need to regulate and drive their emerging exploration and production industries;
24 June 2022Read More -
The importance of a robust GHG inventory
The UK has reported GHG Emissions since 1990 with the most recent (BEIS) report being ‘final’ to the end of 2020. Reporting is by sector – Transport, Energy Supply, Business, Residential, Agriculture, Waste
10 June 2022Read More -
A net zero trajectory for E&P companies by using the ‘scopes’ in reverse
It may not necessarily require off setting customer emissions (a category of Scope 3 emissions) entirely at the E&P company’s cost. But it can involve commercial services.
10 June 2022Read More -
A model for “immediate term” sustainability
There are – we could say – four main categories of emissions in the immediate term (our operations). Flaring, venting & fugitive methane emissions, fuel combustion and supplier emissions.
18 May 2022Read More -
Guyana – what to do with the gas?
The South American country of Guyana started producing oil in 2020 and production is expected to be 750 kbopd by 2025. With a population of just 800,000
10 May 2022Read More -
How US / EU / UK are focusing on o&g methane
Perhaps the COP 26 event had something to do with it, or the availability of satellite images showing what oil and gas methane emissions are really like. Time will tell if the regulatory environment
5 May 2022Read More -
What North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) (formerly OGA) is looking for from operators in ESG reporting
She wrote, “consistent and high-quality, authentic, ESG reporting, backed up by a strong evidence base and superior quality supporting narrative
5 May 2022Read More -
What happens when emission reporting demands and costs go up?
More and more oil and gas companies are issuing ‘Sustainability Reports’. Of course larger companies can dedicate more resources to these reports and some of them are‘audited’.
5 May 2022Read More -
How can we put a price on CCS projects?
If you are a very large company you are probably already involved in a lot of projects. But for smaller ones, they don’t necessarily need to make a good story for the media or investors. They just want to make a return on their investment.
5 May 2022Read More